Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and the Usual Class-Warfare Shtick

Typical One-Trick Pony

Reporting From Greece On The Pacific: This Just In!

Greeceifornia’s $16 BILLION in the red. That’s $16,000,000,000. The number 16, followed by nine zeros. A lot of money in anyone’s book.


And, as usual, the socialists running this state – the Top Dog being Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown – can only think of one solution to the problem: more taxes.

There’s enough money for a $100 BILLION “high-speed rail to nowhere” boondoggle.

There’s enough money to pay illegal aliens to go to college through the state DREAM law.

There’s enough money to give public employees retirement pensions and medical benefits that private-sector workers can only envy.

There’s $54 million hidden away in a Parks Department bank account.

We have 1/8th of the nation’s populace and 1/3rd of the nation’s welfare recipients.

And they shrug their shoulders that we’re $16 billion in the red and swirling the drain? And tell us that we need to increase taxes… AGAIN?

Welcome to Greeceifornia!

Giving those morons more money is like taking a drunk to a bar to dry him out. No way, Jose.

So the solution, according to Moonbeam and his socialist minions, is a pair of competing ballot propositions this November, Propositions 30 and 38. Prop 38 is an increase in income tax rates on everybody; Prop 30 – promoted by Brown – allegedly goes to the state’s “education” behemoth, but in reality it allocates funding to try to stem the tsunami of red ink. It imposes an increase in the state sales tax (again affecting everybody) in addition to tax increases on “the rich”, defined as those earning over $250K annually.

According to the legislative analysis of Prop 30: “These new tax rates would affect about 1 percent of California PIT (personal income tax) filers. (These taxpayers currently pay about 40 percent of state personal income taxes.)”


Look at that again. That “greedy” one percent is ALREADY paying 40% of the income taxes collected by the state. How dare they? Not enough! Let’s jack them up even more!

Brown’s strategy here is painfully transparent. Had he tried to have enacted a proposition that depended solely on a sales tax increase to close the budget shortfall, it would have been lucky to get a single vote at the ballot box. That would have affected everybody, and would have required a very significant increase in the sales tax rate, which is already high in this state. Instead, we have a whopping increase in the tax rate on those evil “rich”, a move that in this state – with so many people victims of class envy and participants in class warfare – gives it a much better chance of passage. This is the cynical tune the Left has been playing for many years, from Brown at the state level all the way up to Obama in this year’s presidential election.

Should Prop 30 pass, of course, the rest of us suckers who live in this sorry state will also be on the hook for some of that tab that’s now come due for many years of unfettered and obscene spending. But Brown’s counting on class warfare to make our “contribution” more palatable and politically viable, particularly since – again according to the Legislative Analyst – “… the vast majority of the additional revenue from this measure would come from the PIT rate increases on upper-income taxpayers.” The small portion the rest of us are stuck with is simply Brown’s “beard” for yet another unfair tax increase on the small business owners and job producers, what few who still live here, as it gives him an excuse to claim that the burden is being “spread around”. It’s not, other than in a very minor and almost purely symbolic way.

All of this while there’s no discussion at all from Brown & Company on any meaningful cuts or reforms on the spending commitments in this state. Don’t fall for it! Let’s see some major cuts in spending first! Let’s reprioritize first! Then we can talk about what taxes need to be raised – if any – to address any remaining shortfall.

This state used to be able to function within a reasonable budget with reasonable tax rates, and even enjoy surpluses. That’s the condition to which we must return. There is no Money Tree Forest, and it’s time the socialists who run this state learn that simple fact.

As Maggie Thatcher noted, “The trouble with socialism is that it always runs out of other people’s money”.

©Brian Baker 2012

104 comments on “Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and the Usual Class-Warfare Shtick

  1. jevica says:


    That’s how the US gov’t works with OPM.

    The takers are getting to be more and more and they keep up with this “class warfare” crap, that we [everyone else] is not paying their “fair share” [whatever that is.

    As I heard I care what the government does with my money.

    Good post.

  2. gunnyginalaska says:


    That is why my sis and her hubby LEFT California for another state and took their business with them and that was back in 1999! I saw that vicious cycle happening even earlier than that. Rest assured, we have idiot libs up here saying the same thing, raise taxes. Thankfully, we just voted them and a few RINOS OUT OF OFFICE!

    • BrianR says:

      Yep, Gunny, you guys apparently nipped it in the bud.

      I really don’t see any hope for us. Now, the last time this was tried, under the RINO Governator, it failed miserably. Hopefully we’ll see the same result this time. Maybe THEN the socialists will actually have to try to address the actual issues. We’ll see…

  3. thedrpete says:

    My young-still-20-something son pays well into six figures annually in taxes to live and work in NYC. In NYC 1/2of 1% of the population pays 40% of the tab for the City. There will come a time when the “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere” life test wanes as motivation and avoiding being gored surpasses. The next step is to move, to leave.

    For the doers and producers in California the same applies. Arizona is nice.

    • BrianR says:

      DrP, I gotta tell ya, if my family wasn’t here, I’d have been gone years ago. Arizona or Nevada. Vegas is fun!

      I’m not a “beach person” so the access to the coast is meaningless to me.

    • Saltwater says:

      Lord, NO! Not Arizona!

      We had a rash Californicators “escaping” Moonbeam’s vision in the 80’s. They voted him in, then bailed due to his policies – but NEVER learned their lesson. It was this leftist stampede, fleeing the Utopia they had created, that brought the likes of Nappy to power as Governor when they continued to vote as they had on the left coast.

      They also brought large bundles of money after cashing out their high priced homes, and dumped it on the local market. That spurred a real estate frenzy as properties doubled or trippled in cost, enticing more and more to ‘go for the gold’. It was during this unsupported real estate boom that Charles Keating and Lincoln Savings and Loan Association made their mark. A mark that eventually collapsed the market – a major driver for the 1990-91 recession.

      • BrianR says:

        See, Salty? A perfect example of the spreading disease of American socialism!

        But be of strong heart! We who would NOW flee Greeceifornia would be of the conservative bent, as this has become a HAVEN for leftists. Why would they ever want to leave?

        BTW, you ever going to write anything new at your place?

  4. says:

    Ol’ Moonbeam keeps trying to disprove the old adage, “You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.”

    • BrianR says:

      Yup. Now he’s taking his second run at it. Hard to say who’s stupider: him for trying, or the idiots in this state who voted him back into office.

  5. says:

    I’m not too sure Arizona wants Californians moving in. Look what happened to Texas.
    The damnyankees move to Texas to get out of high taxes and corrupt government and left of left politicians.
    But as soon as they establish themselves there they started agitating for the same kind of freedom killing laws and voting for the same kind of politicians as the state from whence they came. Now Texas, with the exception of a few small towns, is no different than New York or San Francisco.

  6. CW says:

    Good post, Brian. You should probably vote for Obama because the only hope CA has is for leftists in the federal gov’t to find ways to socialize the costs of the bad decisions made in liberal states. In doing so they can protect their reliable constituency from ever feeling the pain of voting for the liberal agenda, and the failures of the blue states will blend into the background unnoticed.

    You can perhaps get by with a system that imposes little or no consequences on failed politicians and greedy constituents if the population, by and large, has a conscience. And you can perhaps get by with politicians and greedy constituents who, by and large, have no conscience, IF there are consequences to be paid for failure and corruption (such as having to pay the taxes for the things you voted for or going to jail when you make decisions that bankrupt a city). But when you have people who, by and large have no conscience (i.e. liberals and leftists) coupled with the absence of consequences for their failed policies and their greed, you get California. In every city and state where we see economies on the verge of disaster, this is the dynamic behind it.

    California is also the model for those who wonder aloud what the real harm is with illegal immigration. From the added burden on welfare costs, border control and increased crime to the enormous strain on the school system and the growth of the democrat voting block (that’s the biggie), its impact goes far beyond what even the critics would suggest.

    Even really bad problems can often be fixed when enough people truly understand the problems and what has to be done to fix them. California isn’t even close.

    One last thing – how can you not love the beach??? I lived in Thousand Oaks for about 8 years and I still miss the beach every day. 😦

    • BrianR says:

      Well said, CW. Great capsulization.

      If the states are indeed the “laboratories of democracy”, then Greeceifornia is the abyssmally failed result of unfettered socialism writ large. The rest of the country had better pay attention.

      And no “bailouts”! Ultimately, this state MUST pay the penalty — whatever it is — for its insane and unsound policies. Then the lesson will be driven home. It’s also the only hope we, as a state, have of salvation: if those political hacks who brought this down on us — from BOTH parties — have to pay the price.

      We need a complete restructuring from the ground up.


      The beach? WAAAAY too much sand. It gets everywhere. Yuck.

      • CW says:

        >>”And no “bailouts”! Ultimately, this state MUST pay the penalty — whatever it is — for its insane and unsound policies.”

        When I moved to CA in 1998, the state almost immediately began having severe electricity shortages largely as a result of overregulation of power companies (including caps on what they could charge) and policies limiting the construction of new power plants. There was the constant threat of rolling blackouts and the state was having to pay steep prices to bring in energy from out of state. People were whining because George Bush wouldn’t intervene and help soften the consequences for California’s mistakes. My sentiments echoed yours above. Even though I had just moved to the state and had nothing whatsoever to do with the policies that led to energy shortages, I understood it wasn’t right to pass the costs of CA’s mistakes onto other states. And I knew, as you do, that lessons would never be learned unless California suffered from the pain of its own choices. Conscience and consequences.

        That’s the difference between conservatives and liberals.

      • BrianR says:

        Well said!

  7. says:

    Waaay too much sand? I thought you lived over in the desert. Or the beach without water…

    • BrianR says:

      This is true. But I don’t strip down to my bathing suit, get all wet, then roll around in it.

      I’ll take my swimming environment encapsulated in a concrete pool.

  8. says:

    You mean one of them thar cement ponds??

  9. Nee says:

    I used to wonder how my mother survived with three kids in CT. Now, I wonder how you can stay knowing you’re headed for disaster! Take your Mom and the rest…RUN!! I have several relatives there. We never get to see them because they cannot afford to take time off from work in favor of survival. We’re talking 14 years going by. I’ll never get it. Aside from weather, what is the attraction that makes people love it so much?

    • BrianR says:

      Well, the weather and the geography are strong attractions. I’ve been most places in this country, and there’s no place that beats it on those counts.

      Also, it’s kind of interesting to watch the train wreck happen from on-board. Who else would be able to write such fascinating essay about it?

      Nyuck nyuck nyuck…

  10. As I said when I posted this link of the Book of the Face, the rest of the nation is lucky. We only had Obama with a Socialist House and a filibuster-proof Socialist Senate for 2 years. Y’all in Greecifornia have had overwhelming liberal government for a long time!

    • BrianR says:

      Craw, it’s completely ridiculous here. Indescribeable. The hacks in this state define the phrase “stuck on stupid”.

  11. Gray Ghost (Mississippi) says:

    There is only one hope for California. This “one hope” revolves around one of the following occurring:

    1. The earthquake to end all earthquakes hits and most of West California drops into the Pacific (along with most of California’s Liberals).

    2. Eastern California decides to secede from California.

    3. Hunting season in California includes not only deer but Liberals. The legal limit of Liberals is as much ammo as you can tote.

    4. Eastern California elects some very tough-minded Conservatives, who upon being seated in the state legislature proceed to “butt-slap” every Liberal into resigning.

    5. After the elections in November 2012 (which more and more are starting to appear to be a landslide of epic proportions against the Democrats), the new DOJ starts criminal investigations into every “Tax and Spend” Democrat in the country.

    Short of any of the above happening, I fear that California is “toast”.

    This is extremely sad, as California was one of the US’s most beautiful states. I hope Brian that you have some contigency plans in the event that your state does not make it.

  12. says:

    Brian: I can kinda understand my cousin remaining in California.
    He’s a 35 year Jarhead.
    But you??????????????

  13. says:

    Not 35 year old… 35 in the Corps.
    You’re a kid!
    Gotta agree grandkids are great. Never enjoyed anything so much as getting even with the kids through the grandkids.

    • BrianR says:

      I’m a “kid”?

      Wow… I haven’t heard THAT in many moons. Kinda makes my day… Pops!


      Your last line was on the money. I had the brood over for dinner Sunday night, and I was laughing about exactly that with my daughter re the munchkin.

  14. As bad as CA finances are, the collective debt and anti-freedom trends occurring in the 50 states–via the federal union–make this state’s problems look like tiddly-winks.

    Unless you’re planning on running away from the USA entirely (the future of freedom lies in Latin/South America and the Asian mainland, btw, not the terminally sick and insane West–and esp. not the USA–w/its govt-worshipping citizenry) and possibly renouncing your citizenship, sorry, but you’re not escaping anything.

    And, this ‘conservative nation’ is going to choose either a Massachusetts liberal or a Democrat as potus…insane!

    Really, conservative critiques of Demos/liberals would be a lot more credible if they actually supported candidates (Romney?!, McCain?!, Bush?!–COME ON guys!) who were even remotely devoted to fiscal commonsense and an expansion of liberty rather than a continual expansion of state power and massive deficits. Its kind of like ‘anti-war liberals’ who continue to support Obama, yet criticize warmongering conservatives.

    • BrianR says:

      Yep, there’s a lot of truth in all of that. The only plus to Romney is that he might start baby steps in the right direction. It took us over a century to get into this mess, and it’s going to take time to get back out.

      Part of the problem is that the electorate is going to have to get weaned from the government teat. And that may well be politically impossible, in which case this country as we know it is history, just like the other great empires of the past. I’ve written essays about that over at my TH blog.

      Among others.

      I’m not hopeful, and haven’t been for over three decades.

      • Just curious…

        Do you still think America is a “conservative nation” and that there hasn’t been any “leftward drift”?

      • BrianR says:

        I’ve never said the country was “conservative”. I’ve said there are “traditional American conservative principles”, and I’ve said the country is “right-of-center”, and when polled most people consider themselves “conservative”. That’s a whole different animal from an objective determination that the country itself is actually truly “conservative”.

        If you read the linked essays from my last response, you’ll see that in my opinion we’re in very serious trouble exactly because we’ve moved away from an adherence to the Constitution, which is how I, personally, define “conservatism”.

        There’s been a whole lotta “leftward drift”, which is exactly what threatens our existence as a country as envisioned by the Founders. That’s exactly why I use that Tytler quote so often. It so accurately summarizes the problem and the threat.

  15. Thanks for clarifying.

    Unfortunately, many of these terms don’t really mean much anymore. What are “traditional American conservative principles”…? What does being “right-of-center” in today’s society mean?

    Hell, what does being a “constitutionalist” even mean anymore? Everyone who still asserts a belief in the validity and practicality of the America System set up in 1789 can claim the “constitutionalist” label.

    Ron Paul claims to be a constitutionalist (and gets nowhere), but Romney and Obama also claim to be constitutionalists (BHO having taught const. law and sworn an oath to uphold/defend it; Romney seeking office that requires allegiance to same oath) and end up at the top of the heap of American politics. I have to ask: doesn’t this indicate that the majority who consider themselves “conservatives” are saying BHO/Romney’s “constitutionalism” is more in line w/theirs than RP’s (or even Gary Johnson’s)?

    It just amazes me that so many self-labeled ‘real’ conservatives (TP types esp.) lament the leftward drift while actively participating in its continuance.

    • BrianR says:

      Well, to me “traditional American conservative values” would be those values the country adhered to prior to “progressivism”, and Wilson et al. Individual responsibility, small government, sound fiscal policy, equality of opportunty but not of outcome, etc.

      Let’s face it; EVERYBODY claims to “honor” the Constitution. It’s become a meaningless trope. The classic example you always see is how even the most rabid gun-grabbers always claim to “believe in” the Second Amendment, right at the same time they’re trying to outlaw guns. It’s a hoot!

      The reality, as I’ve said many times, is that we’re fighting a rear action. Trying to slow the retreat. That’s really about it, at least for now. And if things DON’T change dramatically, this country will turn into a Euro-trash “social democracy”. Frankly, I think that’s unavoidable, because as I’ve said many times the changes that are really necessary to save it as it was meant to be are pretty much politically impossible to achieve anymore. Anyone who tries to institute the really necessary policies will be promptly voted back out of office at the first opportunity.

      Too many people depending on government largesse. The ultimate recipe for national suicide throughout history.

  16. OK, last thought for now:

    What do you think of the RNC’s outrageous, unfair, and heavy-handed tactics at the nominating convention?

    The GOP should be painfully aware that they can’t win w/o Independents and libertarians (though they can probably, as usual, count on 99% of rank-and-file ‘conservatives’ voting “R” as usual), and yet they make it crystal clear that they will NEVER be welcome w/i the GOP. Puzzling…its almost like GOP grand-poohbahs would rather lose to BHO than risk even the CHANCE of a non-Establishment candidate ever getting the nomination. Even more puzzling is that ‘conservative constitutionalists’ keep going along w/their OWN marginalization into irrelevance…

    • BrianR says:


      Well, I didn’t watch or follow the GOP convention, nor will I the Dem one. I’m not a member of either party. So I don’t really know anything about their rules issue other than a few snippets I caught on the news.

      This whole war within the GOP has been going on for over half a century, going back to at least the Goldwater era. It’s really nothing new, the fight between the conservatives and the country-clubbers. I have no idea why the Establishment GOP hacks insist on ignoring the real lessons of history: that conservatism sells. If they wait too long, the ship will have sailed and that will be that. It may already be too late. But there’s no doubt that the GOP does have an uncanny ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with great regularity.

      Anyway, that’s what I think. But hell, no one’s paying me for my opinion. This blogging stuff really pays for s**t.


  17. As a libertarian I find it incredibly interesting/revealing to look where liberalism and conservatism have converged (rather than diverged) in CA the last 20 years to institute state-expanding/empowering (and freedom receding) policies–mostly in the realm of law-and-order-ism/tough-on-crime-ism:

    In the ridiculous elevation of LEOs (who, nat’l guard notwithstanding, are kind of like local govts army) to ‘hero’ status like w/the fedgovt’s armies.

    In the draconian drunk-driving laws/punishments (victimless crimes mostly).

    In the refusal (largely at the behest of public employee union LEOs and politicians–talk about a conflict-of-interest and voters being led around by the noses by their ‘servants’!) of voters to legalize MJ after having seen it proved–after over a decade of virtual legalization–that the world doesn’t end when MJ is legalized.

    In the 3-strikes law.

    In the large prison population.

    And, one of conservatism’s greatest recent ‘triumphs’ (expending million$ that could’ve been put to productive use) on the ‘culture war’ front in CA, the refusal to grant state licensing to gay marriages. While not exactly an expansion of state power, it was conservatives affirming that marriage is under govt’s (not god’s or religion’s or a private individual’s) jurisdiction/discretion. Incredible!

    • BrianR says:

      Well… the problem is that there is no “conservatism” on the political scene here in Greeceifornia. Hasn’t been for quite a while. Especially not in that 20 year time frame you specified.

  18. says:

    “LEO’s”? What’s an “LEO”?

  19. says:

    Oh. Makes me feel, Duhhhh….
    Well, I gotta go with Anarcho there. I mean why do police departments need snipers? And SWAT? More akin to Storm Troopers, if you ask me.
    What are government departments doing buying hollow point bullets?
    The scheme: Eliminate capital punishment or relegate it to a 20 year multi million tax payer dollar appeals process. Up goes crime rate giving LEO’s excuse for “specialty” cops.
    Bingo. Ruby Ridge. Waco. And probably others we never heard about.

    • BrianR says:

      LOL! No “duh”. Too many acronyms nowadays.

      I agree that there are definitely abuses. But that’s the nature of ALL human endeavors. There are always bad apples in the bunch, and we have to be on guard against them. But that doesn’t necessarily negate the need for such abilities. A sniper can be very handy in a hostage situation. SWAT can be handy when facing special situations involving groups of bad guys. But we have to have safeguards in place, too, and the actors have to be responsible for the propriety of their actions. Ruby Ridge and Waco are great examples.

      The Ruby Ridge sniper, Lon Horiuchi, never received any disciplinary action at all, as far as I know, for killing Randy Weaver’s wife, an innocent bystander. And Waco simply speaks for itself.

      As to hollow point ammo: that’s pretty much standard issue for many/most agencies. And a good choice, IMO, as they have a better chance of actually remaining IN the target, rather than going all the way through and hitting an innocent further downrange. Air marshalls use frangible ammo, which disintegrates on impact. The use of “hardball”, or solid, ammo is a military restriction because of the Geneva Conventions on warfare. Those don’t apply to law enforcement. Also, from a practical standpoint, hollow points have a better record of one-shot stops, ending dangerous gunfights quicker. That’s what I keep in my “home defense” guns.

    • My problem w/cons and libs is that most don’t seem to understand the self-prepetuating/expanding nature of govts…esp. where victimless crimes are concerned. Often, pre-emptive type laws SOUND like good ideas (getting tough on drunk-drivers, on drugs, gambling, prostitution, etc.) to begin with, but inevitably, people keep engaging in these activities since no one is getting hurt. The punishments for committing these (in reality) non-crimes have to get ever more draconian to work as a deterrent, and often the standards for non-compliance dwindle to the ridiculous (BAC at .08, and many idiots who think ANY amount of THC in the system warrants severe punishment, etc.). It really turns into a nasty downward spiral for the average Joe (taxes go up to house non-criminals, to pay for more LEOs, freedom recedes, etc.), and only creates a dedicated special interest group (in this case, LEOs, which is an insane example of the tail-wagging-the-dog) whose primary goal/incentive is to continue the spiral. Its just amazing that most non-libertarians can’t figure this stuff out.

      • BrianR says:

        I disagree about the “victimless” nature of many of the crimes you cite. Drunk driving is hardly victimless when you consider the body count. Same thing with drug use of things like heroin, opium, cocaine, and the ancillary issues that arise from the drug problem. Those impose a very high cost to society in crime rate, as well as the cost of supporting addicts, who are essentially unable to provide for themselves anymore. I often hear an attempt to analogize to Prohibition, and the analogy fails because though a small percentage of alcohol users become addicts, the vast majority don’t, unlike hard drugs such as (particularly) heroin and cocaine, which are universally addictive, often from the very first use. Prostitution isn’t illegal federally, obviously, since it’s completely legal in some areas of Nevada. It’s rightfully regulated at the state level. As are the vehicle codes, too, incidentally, such as drunk driving. That’s what states’ rights are all about.

        Those type of laws are exactly what the General Welfare Clause is specifically designed to address. And the Tenth Amendment gives the states regulatory power over most of those issues. The only one that’s federal in nature is the dug issue, and as I said, that’s a General Welfare concern.

        There isn’t anyone who “can’t figure this out”. The “slippery slope” is talked about often by most people. it’s simply that your view of “liberty” is extreme, and doesn’t conform to any reasonable interpretation of constitutional rights.

        Anyway, this is once again delving into that endless and, frankly, boring discussion of the nature of liberty which I don’t really want to spend time or space on. Sorry.

  20. says:

    There used to be a round in .45 ACP that looked like an HP but in the hollow was a small needlelike projectile that would penetrate velcrol vests.
    I think it was outlawed…
    I don’t have anything but jacketed rounds. Home defense is 99% of the time within 10 feet. Body mass and a 1911 tell the rest of that story.

    • BrianR says:

      Yeah, I remember that round. I don’t recall what it was called.

      I have a couple of 1911s squirreled around the house, too. .45 ACP’s the best!

      BTW, most (if not all) hollow points are jacketed rounds.

      • Saltwater says:

        Ah yes, this looks like the beginning of another great 9mm vs .45 debate. Let me chime in.

        Proponents of the 9mm are quick to point out advantages over the revered 1911 .45 ACP.
        1. Higher magazine capacity – It is obviously preferable having up to 15 rounds over 8 available before requiring reload.
        2. Lower recoil – A definite plus when reacquiring a target and accuracy of subsequent shots is a premium.
        3. Penetration – A well placed 9mm in vitals will produce results equivalent to those of a similar hit by a .45 round.
        4. Expense – 9mm ammo is about half the cost of .45 ACP.

        Counter arguments are quickly offered by .45 afficionados to these “advantage” claims.
        1. More bullets – Most home defense situations last only seconds. The idea is to prevail in a firefight before needing to reload.
        2. Target acquisition – As captbogus rightly pointed out, 99% of home defense takes place at less than 3 meters. The first round downrange is the most important. Also, many people involved in the stress of a gunfight tend to empty the clip no matter how effective their first shot was. A lighter weapon, with less recoil and more rounds, can easily lead to the “spray and pray” where shots end up hitting all sorts of unintended targets. The recent Empire State Building fiasco when NYPD fired 16 times at one perp and wounded an additional 9 innocent citizens comes to mind.
        3. Stop and Drop – True, dead is dead, but hitting vitals is not nearly so easy as it seems on the range. Paper targets aren’t shooting back. A higher velocity, but lighter, 9mm hits with a force somewhere in the 300-500 ft/lbs range. A .45 smacks in at 400-60ft/lbs. The key to success with a 9mm is hitting those vitals, or getting enough hits in so the perp retreats. The .45 delivers enough energy on impact that striking vitals, while still the best option, is not an absolute requirement for incapacitation.
        3a. “OH SHIT!” factor – While not mentioned, the intimidation imparted by a 9mm ‘POW, POW, POW’ pales in comparison to the ‘BOOM, BOOM’ of a .45 ACP, especially when on the downrange end. Even a miss by a .45 sends a serious message.
        4. Counting pennies – At what point do the dollars in your wallet take precedence over your safety and survival, or those of your family and loved ones.

        My final take on the debate between 9mm and .45:
        Why use two, when one will do?

  21. Saltwater says:

    That should be 400-600ft/lbs for the .45, not 400-60ft/lbs, Stupid fat fingers,

    • BrianR says:

      LOL, Salty!

      Well done!

      A couple of other factors. As to capacity, I have a Para-Ordinance .45 ACP that holds 14+1, so the “advantage” of high capacity for 9mms isn’t really there, either. Not all 9mms are high-cap, and not all .45s are low-cap. In either caliber, you can choose your poison.

      Nowadays, there’s not that much differential in ammo costs, either. You can get Blazer .45 pretty cheap, as well as milsurp. The difference in cost between 9mm and .45, using comparable ammo (milsurp to milsurp, premium to premium, etc) is only pennies per round. As a matter of fact, when I’m shooting 9mm, the ammo I use is actually MORE expensive than most .45 ACP (Winchester 147 gr FMJ sub-sonic).

  22. says:

    I have to chime in here.
    Back in the ’40’s and ’50’s there were a bunch of mens magazines i.e. “Men” “Male” “Man” “Stag” “True” “Argosy” et al.
    In one of the rags a D-Day vet recalls how during a shelling (don’t remember which side) he hit a shell crater at the same time a German did. The German shot him with a 9mm. He shot the German with a .45. He walked out. The German didn’t.
    Next point. 9mm might be cheaper. But would you risk your wife, kids, home and family to save a few pennies?
    Next. I had a clip that loaded in a ’11 that held 15 rounds. Stuck out like a wart on your nose but they are available. Matter of fact I believe the same clip for the Thompson fits the ’11.

    • BrianR says:

      The Para-Ord .45 has a double-stack magazine, not a butt extension. It’s just a somnewhat wider grip. Caspian and STI makie them, too.

  23. says:

    Must have to hold a Para with both hands. Fat butt, no?

    • BrianR says:

      “A University of Colorado analysis of state-by-state factors leading to the Electoral College selection of every U.S. president since 1980 forecasts that the 2012 winner will be Mitt Romney.

      “According to their analysis, President Barack Obama will win 218 votes in the Electoral College, short of the 270 he needs. And though they chiefly focus on the Electoral College, the political scientists predict Romney will win 52.9 percent of the popular vote to Obama’s 47.1 percent, when considering only the two major political parties.

      “Their model correctly predicted all elections since 1980, including two years when independent candidates ran strongly, 1980 and 1992. It also correctly predicted the outcome in 2000, when Al Gore received the most popular vote but George W. Bush won the election.”

  24. says:

    Are prognosticators fools or con artists?

    • BrianR says:

      Neither. They take the data they have and try to draw conclusions from it. The problem is that it’s not an exact science, and some manipulate the data; Garbage in, garbage out.

      Hence New Coke, “Dewey Beats Truman”, etc.

      The only poll that matters takes place on election day.

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  29. gold account says:

    Several states are continuing to raise excise taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products in order to increase revenue. The rates shown do not include the federal cigarette tax of $1.01 a pack. New York City is the most expensive place to buy cigarettes ($5.85), when you include the state and local tax. The top 12 states with the highest state tax on cigarettes are: New York ($4.35), Rhode Island ($3.46), Connecticut ($3.40), Washington ($3.025), Hawaii ($3.20), New Jersey ($2.70), Wisconsin ($2.52), Massachusetts ($2.51), Distr5ict of Columbia ($2.50), and Vermont ($2.62). Tied for eleventh place are: Alaska ($2.00), Arizona ($2.00), Connecticut ($2.00), District of Columbia ($2.50) Maine ($2.00), Maryland ($2.00), and Michigan ($2.00).Tied for tenth place are: Alaska ($2.00), Arizona ($2.00), District of Columbia ($2.00), Maine ($2.00), Maryland ($2.00), and Michigan ($2.00). Counties and cities may impose an additional tax ranging from 1 cent to $2.00 on a pack of cigarettes. About 82% of what consumers pay for a pack of cigarettes (average cost $5.95 – including statewide sales taxes but not local cigarette or sales taxes) ends up going to the government in taxes and other payments rather than for the cigarettes.

    • BrianR says:

      Yes, another sore spot with me, what with being a smoker. Fortunately, the last couple of attempts to jack up the smoke tax here in COMMIEFORNIA failed. Occasionally, there are actually whispers of sanity here. Few and far between, but they do sometimes happen.

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    • BrianR says:

      No, I don’t publish my email address. I’d probably be flooded with spam. But if you want to comment with yours, I’ll see it, shoot you an email from a disposable address, and delete your comment without publishing it.

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    • BrianR says:

      Actually, I don’t. But I’m considering it. You can also hit the “follow” link on the home page here and accomplish the same thing.

      Thanks for the kind words.

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    • BrianR says:

      Thanks for the kind words.

      I would consider publishing a guest piece. You’d have to submit it as a “comment”, which I’d then have a chance to read before publishing it. You should annotate your comment that it’s a submission for consideration as a Guest Comment.

      In no way am I promising to publish anything, just so we’re clear. I’ve never had that request before, and I’m not really sure what you have in mind to submit. I also have a point of view I represent here. So there are a lot of factors involved. But I’m open to the idea.

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